The King will answer and say to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.’ Matthew 25:40 Amplified Bible (AMP)
NBIC Imala Mission Trip June 2021
NBIC missionaries went to Imala bringing good news and love to the Imala community. Praise God for HIS wonderful work!
NBIC supports West Africa Theological Seminary to achieve its vision of training leaders for the African churches. NBIC is organizing a thrice-in-a-year-visits, called WATS Workday, alongside with WATS students, we carry out tasks like painting, concrete-mixing and filling, cleaning and many others, to improve the school campus. NBIC also organizes medical outreaches to help the community.
April 13, 2019 WATS Workday!!! Sign up will be during Sunday Service.
Bethesda School
Bible Story, songs, crafts, games and food are among the things we do and enjoy with the kids of Bethesda school every month! These visits also encourage us to engage in various projects to improve the school to reach out to more underprivileged kids with Christian-focused education.
Join us on our next visit. Look for Udeni Wickramasuriya to know more.
Genesis House
NBIC women organizes monthly visits to the Genesis House ministry to rehabilitate and empower women in need.
find out when is the next visit and how you can help.

Mission Trips
"...How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Romans 10:15b

Imala Mission Trip
NBIC is also reaching out to the community in Imala, a small town in Ogun state. A mission group was sent for a week to support the missionaries of Imala. Children activities in the community hall, street film viewing, tract distribution and sharing the gospel in the village, football matches were among the tasks we did during the visit.
Imala Mission Trip is scheduled this July 2019. Look for Emmalou Maxey for details.
Romania Mission Trip
A mission team from NBIC organizes an annual visit to a small rural town in Southern Romania. NBIC’s mission team supports the local missionaries and encourages them in their various ministries. We work hand in hand with the local missionaries in improving member and church shelters, through carpentry, painting and other things where help is required. Children’s ministry, street evangelisms, home visits and hosting dinner for the local missionaries are only some of the memorable experiences the team had in Romania.
There is a scheduled visit on June 2019. Contact Pastor Kabelo/Claske Lekala if you wanted to be part of it.
A mission team from NBIC was sent to Botswana to support the CAPRO missionaries. Reaching out in the community by sharing the good news and Jesus’ love for them.
Want to join mission trips?